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About Me
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 My Story 


Greetings and Welcome My name is Sula 
I am a fully trained and certified  Sisterlocks™ consultant trained under the guidance of Dr JoAnne Cornwell in 2008 and owner and creative director of Nubi Crown™ Loc-Smith Toolkit 


On this site you will find information to assist you with your  Sisterlocks™ journey plus photos of my work.


Like most black women of a certain age, I have done the whole hair journey from fro to wigs, hot comb, cold straightening, single plait extensions, cornrow and everything in between.


I can still remember that moment in my mid twenties when I looked in the mirror and realized that I was done with altering my natural hair.  I created my first head of locs myself and my second head of locs were installed professionally but I was never quite satisfied with my locs.


As I was approaching forty, in my minds eye, I had a clear vision of how I wanted my hair to be and my only question was: "how in the world am I going to achieve that !" 


My vision came to fruition in the mid noughties when I met a woman with some of the most beautiful locs I have ever seen. They were waist length, tiny and immaculate and I remember complementing her on how beautiful her 'hair extensions' looked.
​It was a jaw dropping moment when she explained: " These are Sisterlocks and this is all my own hair". I knew immediately  without a doubt that   Sisterlocks™ were what I'd been looking for. Within days I found my Sisterlocks™  consultant and had my locs installed the following month and with Sisterlocks,  I was finally able to achieve the appearance, length and health that I've always dreamed of.


I am a professionally trained hairdresser and consider Sisterlocks™  to be a  work of art. Trained and certified by the Sisterlocks™ company you can rest assured that your Locs will be established and maintained according to the  Sisterlocks™ standard of excellence.

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    It's essential to start your Sisterlocksâ„¢ journey with the right knowledge and information as there's so much talk about Sisterlocksâ„¢ online based on facts, opinion and even misinformation so when researching Sisterlocks it's best to make the official Sisterlocksâ„¢ website your first port of call. Remember Sisterlocksâ„¢ and Brotherlocksâ„¢ is a trademarked name which means no one is authorized to use the trademark Sisterlocksâ„¢ and Brotherlocksâ„¢ in advertising or as a service unless trained by the official Sisterlocksâ„¢ home office (based in the USA) or by a certified training associate (CTA) in an approved training class.
    Now that you have gathered a good amount of correct information it's time to phone around and ask questions and if possible try to get referrals from existing clients. Once you find a consultant you feel comfortable and confident with you are ready for the third stage.
    The consultation is a chance to ask specific questions and to .clarify whether you and your potential consultant feel comfortable working together. You will be asked about your hair history, your hair goals and way of life. In addition your hair length, type, texture volume and curl pattern will be analysed. ​The state of your hair scalp and hair length will be examined to determine if you are ready for Sisterlocks™. Should the need arise your consultant will usually be happy to work with you to get your hair and scalp to the required stage to begin Sisterlocks™. Lastly but not least test locks will be installed. ​Once your consultation is complete the fee for your Sisterlocks™ package will be determined along with the estimated installation time. The package will usually include: the consultation the installation and the first re-tightening session.
    ​The installation is a labor intensive process that can take from 20 - 36 hours all depending on the length density and volume of your hair and the speed at which your consultant works. The installation process takes patience but you will appreciate the results. ​All depending on the volume and density of your hair you will leave the installation with an average of around 420 to 550 beautifully crafted locks. Once the installation is complete you will usually be given a starter kit which includes the official starter shampoo rubber bands and a maintenance tip sheet.
    Your first re-tightening appointment should be scheduled within around one month of the initial installation for the monitoring and re-tightening your locks.
    The proper care and maintenance of Sisterlocksâ„¢ requires that you have your hair re-tightened at regular and consistent intervals. In order to maintain the neatness and integrity of your locks subsequent re-tightenings are scheduled on average every six weeks depending on hair type and rate of growth.
    I am trained to offer groomings as part of Sisterlocksâ„¢ maintenance. Grooming appointments are for honing in on specific issues that may develop over time especially with some hair types. These include tidying up the hairline or straying strands, repairing locks that may be bunching or areas within the loc that need filling in.
The Process

What are Sisterlocks?


Sisterlocks™ Brotherlocks™ is a hair management system that allows women men and children with tightly textured hair to make the most of their own naturally beautiful hair without relaxers extensions or weaves or having to ​alter the texture of their hair.  


Sisterlocks™ was developed by Dr JoAnne and formally launched in San Diego in 1993. Following her vision led to the creation of a natural hair management system that maximizes the health and growth potential of tightly textured hair. 

​When Dr Cornwell associate professor of African studies & French at San Diego University began experimenting with her own hair in the early 1990's her aims was to simply figure out how to have locks the way she wanted them: "tiny, stylable,  versatile, healthy & gorgeous".

Back then she had no idea of what she was getting herself into or that Sisterlocks™ was her future. Since then  Sisterlocks™ has steadily grown into the global phenomena that it is today enabling women men and children to embrace the freedom and magnificence of their own naturally beautiful hair.


How are Sisterlocks™ created ?


To create Sisterlocks™ the hair is parted into the precise grid that give Sisterlocks™ their styling versatility. Precise locing patterns are chosen which are compatible with the unique features of your hair.  

Each strand of hair is then woven into small size locs. All depending on the volume and density of your hair this usually results in (on average) to around 420- ​500 beautifully ​crafted Sisterlocks™.  


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